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I just got this in the bundle- I love it. The game is so simple but the detail and thought that was put into it makes the whole thing just genuinely fun to play. It immediately stood out to me and I knew I wanted to play it (and did! right after opening it) though I have no idea if it's the "setting things on fire" aspect or the "soothing campfire" aspect. Maybe both. 

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy it! ☺


I love it! Dual-monitor support please! Though I might just end up running it on a separate computer all of the time. Any plans for putting it on linux? I am particularly thinking Raspberry Pi?

The dual-monitor support stopped working and I'm not sure why. Could be from a change to Windows. I have it working on the version I'm rewriting, but at the cost of being able to resize the window when in windowed-mode. Hoping I can get both features working. Not sure about macOS support, yet.

re Linux: I don't use Linux and don't have an extra machine to put it on. Supporting it would be tough for me, but I'd like to try someday. It looks like Game Maker Studio can only export to Ubuntu version 18.04.2 LTS 64-bit. It's not clear to me if they only support that old release or if they keep it up to date.

Hallo Ted, any news about the linux export? You can maybe put out a versione but only for Ubuntu in a BETA version. I would love to have a fireplace while i go for the lunch break.

Thanks for your amazing work, Max

Hi Iskal, I managed to make a build that supports Ubuntu :) You can find it on the Downloads page or via the Itch App.

Hello, I just added Pixel_Fireplace_Beta_v092 (Win/Mac) to the downloads which has dual-monitor support. Double-click to toggle fullscreen on/off.

Woo-hoo! Thank you! 

Hi again, I managed to make a build that supports Ubuntu :) You can find it on the Downloads page or via the Itch App. A question for you: I don't have any experience with Raspberry Pi, can it run Ubuntu? Does this version of PF work on it? I'd like to get a Pi to test out, but I don't know where to start.

Hi Ted. I'm experimenting with running it on a Raspberry pi. The main issue seems to be that the linux binaries are compiled for an x86 processor, whereas the Pi runs on ARM. For the benefit of anyone Googling, the error is 

cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

If Game Maker Studio has an option for compiling for ARM / RPi that could do it. Otherwise, I'm not certain if it'll run on the Pi. I'd be happy to help in any way I can, reach out to me at aholman using the mail service run by google.

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Hi Alex, thanks a lot for trying it and letting me know. You're right about ARM. However it looks like Game Maker Studio can only make Raspberry Pi ARM builds if I physically have a RPi, and it seems I may need to purchase each RPi version I want to support. I won't be able to do it anytime soon, but it would be cool for sure. I can send you an email when I do.

Edit: I misread a thread and thought I had to buy each RPi version I want to support.

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I'm planning to download this later on in a few days after the bundle ends, but I bought the bundle now.

Will i still be able to activate it?

I'd appreciate your reply.


Yep! Just use the link you received in the Bundle email from Itchio. Find Pixel Fireplace in the list there, and click the Download button.

(1 edit)

Is there a way to run this in windowed mode? Edit: Nevermind. Found it in the download instructions: Double click for windowed mode.


Didn't realize I needed this until night time and no need for the second screen. 🙏

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Glad you enjoy it! ☺ Yeah it's definitely best at night with the other lights in the room off or set low.

i bought the bundle but cant activate this. are they gonna fix this?


Hi, there is an activation code for you in the 'Instructions' section on the Pixel Fireplace download page. If you can't find it just email me at tedmartens [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll help you out.

The 64-bit Beta version for macOS is DRM-free and doesn't need to be activated. I'll add a note about that in the instructions.


This game is very relaxing,it has pretty graphics and the fire makes soothing crackling noises. Good stuff.

Howdy! I'm running this on macOS Catalina (version 10.15.5) and it says the app needs to be updated by the developer to work with my version.

Hi kittybee, there's another version in the Downloads called '' that will work on macOS Catalina. It's a Beta version but it has the essential features and commands. You can find some more info on that version here:


That works great! Thanks for your reply. :)


yeah how do i activate it? and is the .dmg file necessary?

(2 edits) (+1)

EDIT: there's now an activation code in the 'Instructions' section on the Pixel Fireplace download page.

the .dmg file is for Mac OS


Just an FYI, from the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality it does not seem to provide an way to get the activation key

(3 edits) (+5)

EDIT: there's now an activation code in the 'Instructions' section on the Pixel Fireplace download page.


A MacOS 64-bit Beta build is now available in the downloads. More info in the Devlogs above.


Hi Ted. Like everyone here I love this app, got it on Boxing Day in 2013. Any plans to update to 64 bit so that it will work on Catalina?


Hi campbelljc. Thanks for asking! I'd forgotten that Mac OS was going to phase out 32-bit soon. I rewrote much of Pixel Fireplace to a new code base last year, but there are a lot of extra features I need to finish like dual-monitor support. I'm busy on another project, so maybe what I'll do is finish up the essential stuff and add that alongside the other builds as a 64-bit-Alpha option.

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Hey campbelljc, I got a MacOS 64-bit Beta build of Pixel Fireplace up on the download page today. There are a few things I still need to sort out, but fire burning works and some commands. It doesn't prevent Sleep, I'm still working on that for MacOS, so you'll need to change sleep settings. More details in the Devlog posts above.


Love this program! I bought it back in 2013 and while I still have the original purchase email, I couldn't find the download! But for $3, it is totally worth buying again!

Hey Aaron, thanks for the kind words. I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed it so much ^-^ We closed Hex-Ray a few years ago and I moved Pixel Fireplace here, so the old download links aren’t up anymore. Sorry about that. You can email me at tedmartens [at] gmail [dot] com and I’ll get you your second copy that you can give it to a friend.


a while ago i got the game on this site and you e-mailed me an activation code. Although the site told me that i had purchased the game and let me download it, it didn't show up in my library. When i wanted to download the game again i did from the hex-ray studios website, but now the site seems to be down. Can you pleas e email me a link to download it or an exe?

Thanks in advance

Hi, sorry about that. I'll get a new claimable download link to you, please email me at tedmartens [at] gmail [dot] com

Hey again SpyKoms. I don't know your contact information. only shows me your username in these comments, not your email. please email me at tedmartens [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll send you a fresh copy that you can add to your library :)


Hi ! 

It's in your plans a Rain Simulator?


It's not in my plans, but that's a good idea ^_^

No longer works!  Crashes everytime I launch.  Shame, wanted to use it over the holidays.

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oh no! I have an alternate version that could work for you. Can you send me an email at tedmartens [at] gmail [dot] com ? And let me know what OS you're running.

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Gorgeous! This reminded me how I used to make fires as a kid, and also made me develop my own fire game. It's called Digital Firewood. I added a link to here on the page.


Hey that's really cool! I like the destructible pixels you made :)


Hello, Ted! I have not seen any updates for a long time, are you planning to add anything to the Pixel Fireplace? Are there any ideas for the development of this wonderful game?

Hey Vsevolod, thanks! Glad you like it :) Pixel Fireplace is pretty finished. I may add to it someday if I think of some good things to add, but I don't have any plans right now.

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I bought this several years ago (I think before it was on itch?) and I absolutely loved it but  now I can't find the code. I think I used to be able to get it from the site somehow but correct me if I'm wrong. Is there any way to recover it? I would email you but I can't find where it is. :\

Hey, go ahead and email me at tedmartens [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll look up your old purchase and activation code!

Hey, does this thing also work on linux? Can I buy it once and use on many computers? Like also on a raspberry? And can you tell how you made this, like which programming language and which library and stuff is behind this?

Really nice work!


Hi, glad you like it! :) There's no Linux version unfortunately, sorry :\ You can use your activation key to install it on as many of your own computers as you want. A few years ago we tried to get it running on raspberry pi (since you could do lots of cool installation things with it), but we kept having graphics bugs and couldn't make a solid version for release :( which was a shame. I made the original version with Game Maker, and my friend Ken Kopecky helped me remake this current version; he used C++ and OpenGL.

Deleted 1 year ago

Hey! I got your email a few weeks ago and sent you a response :)

Can I get a free code when I have press account?

I have that setting turned on, so you should be able to. If it isn't working you can email me at tedmartens [at] gmail [dot] com

That is working but, in the game, it is asking for activation code, and I do not know where to get it.

Ah okay, it should have given you an activation code on the download page but it seems like that didn't work. Okay, could you email me and I'll send it right over! :)

Email sent

I somehow missed activating this after downloading it during the free weekend back in November, nooo! Guess I'll get it for real money soon, since it's not even listed in my purchases (O__O''' ) Thanks for this relaxing game btw!


hey, yeah sorry. I wasn't able to make the game claim-able during that free weekend. Go ahead and send me an email at tedmartens [at] gmail [dot] com


I love this game, it's absurdly relaxing and fun to explore. It's pretty much a fireplace. Well worth the money. What engine did you make this in?

Thank you! :D I made the original prototype in Game Maker, but this current version was programmed in C++ by my friend Ken Kopecky. Right now, I'm rebuilding it in Game Maker Studio myself so I can add more to it.


I really like this but I think I somewhat preferred the April Fool's Hexel Fireplace version you did in 2013. There's no sign of it anywhere on the net and that makes me kinda sad since it would be great to use once again. Are there any plans to redistribute it? I'd really hate for it to go lost!

Hey, cool that you remember that verison :) Since it was an April Fool's joke it's very rough around the edges, but I should be able to find it. Email me at tedmartens [at] gmail [dot] com

How about that being a command to turn on the hexel fire?

Would be cool but too tough, I think. That version was a one-off hard-coded thing for April Fool's Day, but a lot of commands and things didn't work well with the hexel grid, so it probably won't make it in this full version. I'll write it in my notes though to consider.


pixel fire ftw



Thank you! :D

Deleted post

I missed to activate it on the free weekend, but I always want to support people who do great work! soo.. I just bought it with a little extra on top. You're cool man, keep it up!

Hey Tocirah. Thanks a ton and for the kind words, too! I appreciate it, and it's motivating to make more things.


I got this over the weekend as well and either missed or didn't get my key! It's a lovely game, btw. Love how it works


emailed you :)

I can't seem to get to the downloads page. I got the game over the free weekend, and it's absolutely phenomenal! I just wish I could get the full experience. If I could have some way of contacting you so I could get it sorted out, that'd be amazing. Love the game!

hi, email me at tedmartens [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll help you out!


Whoops, forgot to get my key. Oh well, it's worth paying for. Love this, Ted

Thank you! Glad you like it! :D

I've already emailed Ted to get my key. C:

Hi Tievela96, just checking to make sure I sent you your key? Did you get an email from me?


I have the fireplace but it is asking for key what to do?


You need to e-mail the Dev because isn't automatically giving out keys. There are instructions on the download page.

Hi Tamal, I emailed you with your key.


thanks ted :)


a lovely little game for passing the time. this game caught me by surprise. i thought it'd be a little gimmick and i'd get bored with it in 5 minutes, i was wrong. it helped me relax through from the night to the morning, making my normally constantly high bpm go down to a soothing low. for a person with autism i find this game less of a game, and more of a tool to calm me down. it's helped me deal with stress and anxiety, get stuff done and make me really chilled out. considering it's free i'd recommend this to anyone with a mental disorder similar to mine, or if you're just wanting to feel relaxed.

Do you know how to activate it?

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Yep! You need to email the dev. His email and instructions are on the download page.

I have got the key. Thank you.

Thanks for your comment, JackB. It's nice to hear it was pleasant for you and helped. If you think of any new interactive commands to add let me know. If they are a good fit, they might get added in an update.

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